Sunday, December 18, 2011

Water and Weight Loss

H2O in addition to regular exercise and a healthy diet can help shed the extra few pounds you've been trying to get rid of.

Hydration helps the kidneys function properly.  When the kidneys are functioning properly, the liver can be left to it's main job of metabolizing fat in our bodies.  When the liver is metabolizing fat, our bodies are not storing fat!

By drinking adequate amounts of water, our bodies are able to flush themselves of old water which may have been stored in places such as ankles, hips and thighs.  Once your body has flushed old fluids, you'll probably stop needing as many bathroom breaks as when you first began drinking enough water.

You may also start noticing some nice things....complexions become clearer as skin cells become hydrated.  Muscle tone becomes more noticeable because muscles need water to contract easily.  Your appetite may decrease and you may feel full sooner at meal times.

Be sure to continue eating the proper amount of calories needed for daily function and to fuel your workouts.  Cutting too many calories can cause your body to slow your metabolism and store fat.  Your body is a furnace and needs to be fueled properly and often.

How much water do you need?  Eight 8oz glasses a day to start.  Add 8 oz for every 25 lbs you are over healthy weight and if you exercise intensely or are in hot climate.

Drink 16oz before each meal and sip on water throughout the day and before, during and after workouts.

Try to stop drinking water about 3 hours before bed so that your sleep is uninterrupted by trips to the bathroom. 

Water does a body good!

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