Saturday, September 17, 2011

Motivation Please.

What to do?

This morning I wake to the feeling of dreading my long run.  From past experience, I know once I begin running I will feel great.  And yet, I still find myself doing everything except lacing up my running shoes.

As I type, I've got my running shorts and shirt on.  Hair is in a pony tail.  I've eaten a good carb and protein breakfast and just about finished a good cup of Joe.  You'd think I'd be ready to run!  How can this be?  How can I be dreading something I love?  Hmmm.  Is this a sign of over training or simply a lack of motivation?  Should I listen to my mind and call it a day?  Go out tomorrow?  For certain, my mojo will be back in full force tomorrow?

What would I tell one of our Boot Campers?  Let's see....

1.  Are you injured?  No.

2.  Did you sleep and eat well over the last couple of days?  Yes.

3.  Is there any reason you shouldn't go out for your planned run?  No (aside from the fact it looks like it's going to rain and it's a bit chilly out.  Are those good reasons to not run?) 

So, you're not looking forward to possibly feeling a bit uncomfortable?  Correct!

Get your butt up and out the door!  Start running.  Give yourself 10 minutes.  If you want to stop at 10 minutes, then run your butt back home.  I'm betting you'll keep running though.  Do you have to run the 16 miles on your agenda?  No.  Run for 10 minutes.  How do you feel?  Good?  Run for 10 more.  JUST DO IT!  Let me know how you feel when you get back!

And with that internal dialogue, I'm out the door for a run.  See you when I get back.....

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Happens with me about half the time...try and talk myself out of a work out, then 10 minutes or so into it, feel great. Except this morning! JK!

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